Rant on my journey to Duke (and some general college application guidance)
December 19, 2024 • 20 min read • views

Table of Contents
Recently, I am getting a lot of requests for reviewing common app essays, and suggestions for college application. Since, I don’t have time and energy to review every single one of you, I have decided to write a compilation of answers to questions I commonly get in DMs. (But, I ended up writing a lot of rant as well. Also, this is a draft I am too lazy to fix everything right away, I will slowly fix things. Just reach out if you want something specific answered.)
Word of Caution
Do note that this is my take on life, and things that worked for me might not work for you. And I suggest is to listen to everyone but take your own decisions, nothing works universally in life. DON’t ever forget you are more gullible than you think, and slowly the close knit community of college applicants from Nepal is turning toxic (I have heard some rumors). So be safe, gather info (know that not every piece of information is useful or true), then take decisions and MOST IMPORTANTLY, don't forget to listen to your parents as well. Also, everything is subjective, my views might change for things I have written here.
College Application is a grueling process without any certainty in success. You can be smarter, hardworking individual than everyone else and still don’t get the results you expect. And, that’s okay. College isn’t the end goal. You can succeed in life without a college degree as well. I am not saying it’s easy but, it’s certainly doable. So, do whatever you can, but don’t get depressed if things don’t turn out the way you expect. College is not a as big of an issue as you feel right now.
Also, I am sorry for the extremely bad English.
Basics of college application: How to get started?
[TODO: Write up this section]
My journey
I believe knowing about my journey will help you understand the biases I have in the things I say.
Background and Early days
I grew up in a small town in outskirts of Butwal (Manigram), Rupandehi. I graduated my SEE board (grade 10th) from Shree Shanti Namuna Secondary School, and my NEB board (grade 12th) from Kalika Manavgyan Secondary School. Do note that both of these schools are government school, while I did get "English medium" education, they were still a government school. I have always been a lazy ass kid, smart enough to get always get into top 5 of my class. I remember in 9th grade I didn’t make a notebook for my English class towards the last week of school, and my teacher (not really) threaten me to suspend from school for a week if I don’t present a notebook in 5 days. Also, my English sucks, even now.
During my grade 8, 9 and 10, I was a big extra-curriculars guy in school. I was trying to code up a game, learn web dev, playing chess with my science teacher almost every other day and was really into inter school quiz competitions. Again, I wasn’t smart enough that it took me really long to learn how to code, I never won my science sir in English (well I did once), and our quiz team wasn’t the best one in town. I was doing those things only because I enjoyed them, and that luckily helped me later.
Well I couldn’t pursue much extra-curriculars during my grade 11. My plan from start of grade 11 was to join IOE, coming abroad for my undergrad wasn’t a plan by far. But, luckily for me, COVID lockdown start right at the end of grade 11. If it wasn’t for COVID lockdown, I would be studying in Pulchowk right now (And, I know I would be fine there too). During COVID lockdowns, I was just prepping for IOE entrance exam, and randomly I stumbled upon a Online Astronomy Quiz organized by a school in Sri Lanka. The part that got me excited wasn’t Astronomy but rather Quiz, since I more or less knew how to crack them. So, me and my quiz team from Shanti (and, other friends too) started prepping for such competitions. And, we didn’t succeed initially, but I was familiar with failing. (Short Diversion: In grade 8, when I first started participating in inter school quiz competitions, our team was really really bad. We never could get pass the initial written test rounds for the final on stage competitions. Around 10 to 15 times, we just participated and get thrown out in the first round. Finally, all of the our quiz team decided that if we don’t get past one last competition we don’t deserve to represent school for quiz competitions and we’ll just quit. Luckily, we got fourth in that tournament, and that got us all hyped up and kept competing). Yeah, so we aren’t really stressed out about failing in those Online Astronomy quizzes, and slowly we won few prizes. But, randomly while prepping for those competitions I stumbled upon something called “Olympiads” and I knew nothing about them. Then I somehow learned that Nepal also participates, and next year there will be an online selection. The best thing about COVID was everything was online, and students in Kathmandu didn’t really had an edge over out-of-valley students. Then, cut to the chase, I also found out about IMO, and IPhO, and started prepping those as well, at the same time I was also prepping for IOE entrance. I tried out for IMO selection and failed. IPhO was skipped in that year so I couldn’t participate. And for Astronomy Olympiad I never ranked well in National Astronomy Olympiad, but luckily ranked enough to get selected for IOAA. (Well this is my blog, and I am going to rant as much as I want: If you have recently graduated SEE, choose your high school wisely. While I was in Shanti teachers weren’t extremely happy that I was bunking classes in the name of extra-curriculars, but most of them were supportive enough, but in Kalika, school administration treated me really badly while I requested for some financial support to participate in IOAA, I know finances are always an edgy topic, but still I was their “naive” student, and I wasn’t asking them to sponsor them out of their pocket either. They could have helped me reach out to municipality or even provincial government, but instead they just humiliated me, gave me a minimal amount and turned me away. I had the exactly same experience when I reached out to them to during college application. Then, it hit me. Kalika is “supposed” to be one of the best schools. Yet, I rarely encountered them in any extra-curricular competitions. Kalika Administration don’t give a f about students, what’s best for them or how to support them to succeed, all they care about is GPA. I have so many other incidents, and missed opportunities only because I attended Kalika, and that too while 40% of my time in Kalika was during lockdown. Choose your high school wisely.)### I got selected in IOAA. My parents funded for my participation to IOAA. Once I got selected for IOAA, I slowly started dropping my plan for engineering (at least partially, I registered for SAT and was like lets see, if I perform well I will apply for US.) Even, IOAA I knew I didn’t had much chance to win anything. After our exams I was consoling others that we are in an unfair race. Students from other countries are probably well mentored by professors, have been participating in such competitions since middle school and so on (Okay, I was kinda wrong about this), and it was first (and last time) for most of our team. This was a horse race and we are running on foot. Well, at some level it kinda is (But, not completely). But, luckily I won HM, which luckily by a margin of few points turned Bronze in that IOAA. This was the spike in my application I was. That was around Nov 20, 2021. Then, I decided I am not joining IOE and going to US.
Other ECs.
During all this time, I was also involved with Ecstatic Paradox (as a web developer), and it introduced me to so many people (and influenced me to apply to US) (Another quick rant: During lockdown, I randomly stumbled upon a story by Abhisek, whom I knew as a competitor in inter school quiz competitions, to join him to start a student research organization, and I replied and said I can work on web dev, and became part of the team). I was also involved with SQC during grade 8,9,10. I also applied once for Incubate Nepal (2020/2021?), I was rejected. And, I was also rejected from Opportunity Funds. That was after I won a medal in IOAA. These rejections brought me back to my place. [TODO: Can’t think of much right now, might add later]
Application cycle for 2022
After IOAA in Nov 2021, I gave the SAT on dec 05, and did well enough. I hadn’t really started on my essays, LOR and other applications until I got my results on Dec 20. Then, I reached out to Kalika school for common app account of teachers for application, won’t go into details, but they treated as bad again. This time I was surprised, they don’t want to help me. I just persistently went to Principal’s office for 15 days, and just sat there asking them to create email for the teachers and counselor account. They didn’t understood well, what I was trying to do, yet they knew they didn’t wanted to help me. The deadline for most of the big colleges (especially MIT, where I wanted to apply) passed before I could upload LORs. Then, I applied to few colleges on Jan 15, got rejected from all. Hence, I was taking a gap year.
Gap year
During gap year, Prepared for IMO selection and failed. Started some organizations to share about olympiads, didn’t really got big. Under family’s pressure gave IOE entrance exam, got respectable rank given that I had stopped prepping since long time. Could have joined IOE, but didn’t (riskiest decision I took). Started teaching for IOE preparation in an institute in Butwal. [TODO: add more later]
Application Cycle for 2023 (and My Profile)
I started preparing for the college application again in August 2022. The essay I wrote last year was really really bad. So, I rewrote it. I didn’t had freedom to get things wrong this time, cause I was already under a lot of pressure from my family. It feels bad to say that you are apply to US to the same relative for 12th time. This time I was not working alone, I had a friend circle whom I could blindly trust on. I believe that was the most differentiating factor for the second time. Working together, we could find resources, and gather information really well. As I said earlier I don’t have a good essay, but people in my circle complemented the missing skills I needed. And, not having to work alone also made the application process suck a little bit less as well.
So, I rewrote my essay, and it was only reviewed by my friends, I didn’t approach any undergrads asking to review my essay (Can’t think of anyone right now; Also I am more introverted than you might think). I was most nervous about the essays, and I got to my decent “enough” draft by writing a lot. I didn’t keep a count but I wrote many many drafts, most of them overlapping (My philosophy prof at Duke gave me the same suggestion to become a better writer. He is a published author). I also read the Ivy accepted essays online, and shamelessly copied their writing styles and word choices. This is also an important trick if you aren’t so confident on your writing. Look at what successful ones do, and try to imitate them. At the same time know the difference between plagiarism and imitation. But, don’t copy paste the phrases [Todo: Explain What does imitation means?]
I gave SAT 4 times, fourth time being the Digital SAT pilot program. I had 1540 on my third one.
This is getting long, so I am going to cut to the chase. If enough people contact me asking to expand on any sections I will work on it later.
College Applications
Q1. I don't have good english. Do I have chances to get into Universities in US?
- You are able to understand this blog, then mostly likely yes. Especially using ChatGPT and other LLMs, I don't think English skills matter much for application anymore. You do need basic communication skills, other than that you are fine. (I know most of you won’t have this question, but at some point I had it, and I am keeping it at first).
Q2. How to craft a good application?
- Your application should be connected. You are portraying who you are, and all the sections of your application should work towards that.
Q3. What extra-curriculars should I do ?
- Do whatever you have your interest on. My view is if you are doing something with the intention of improving your application profile, then firstly you might not enjoy doing it, and secondly, most likely you won’t do great in that anyway. You are still in high school, and it’s time to explore. You might not be great (or even good) at anything, and that makes sense because being good in anything takes time and effort. Find something you are willing to put in the effort and work on it. What activity you do does not simply matters, all that matters is you are passionate about it.
- I’d recommend against asking undergrads about what competitions/opportunities might best suit you, or if there are any opportunities that they could share. Rather follow them on social media, and they might share if something comes up, or just do your own research. I recently found following right people on Linkedin might help you find opportunities.
Q4. Is my essay good? How do I write a good essay ?
Q5. How to find resources for college application?
- Google. Find a group of people to work with, who are going through the same phase as you are. Then, work on it together.
- Avoid randomly DM ing the undergrads if you haven’t even googled it.
- There are some reddit threads/channels/servers (idk what are they called) with extremely great resources, read them all. Most of the resources you find will be for US domestic students, but there are a lot of resources for international students as well.
- Discord servers
- Not listing the specifics right now.
Q6. Which college should I apply to based on my profile?
- Look up Fiske’s guide to colleges
Q7. Will I get acceptance in X college? Will X ECA get me into X college? People say my profile is extremely good.
- Nobody can say what exactly will go on admission officer’s head when they see your application. Okay, that statement might not be entirely true, maybe people who have made a career out of helping for college application might have some idea. But, assuming you can’t tell is the best bet. However good your stats, essay, profile be, I strongly advise against expecting that you will certainly get accepted into X college. Even after getting interviews. Pain of not fulfilling your expectation might hurt you more than you think. Better assume you won’t get into any big colleges (but apply anyway, this is super important as well), and at the same time have a good safety school at hand as well. Get your finances figured out for the safety school and have some plan on how will you prepare yourself for the future there. Also, this is my view and not every one agrees. But, I was also certain I was going to Mississippi State even before the results were out for other schools, and I had paid the housing application fee there already. I knew if I have access to decent library, and access to internet, I would be happily learning whatever I want to learn and prepare myself to get into good grad school. Having similar plan will help you mentally and emotionally if things don’t work out. Because most likely they won’t, but life goes on. Q8. How/ When to reach out to undergrad?
- This might help you to get responses even from other people, look up the academic calendar for the school someone goes to, for example google “Duke Academic Calendar” and look at the holidays (winter break, spring break, fall break, summer break), you have better chance of getting a response at that time than in the middle of semester. If I am stressed out about missing classes, and not being able to solve my homework, I won’t be in a mood to help someone else. Q9. Should I take a gap year?
- It depends. What plans do you have for gap year? You might not realize but gap year are more costly than you might think. For example: you might go to a decent safety school this year, or wait out a year in hopes of getting into a big school. If you don’t have much plan for your gap year, other than resubmitting your applications then it’s a big no. Even if you have some plan, it might not be a good decision. If you go to decent enough safety school now, you will graduate on time, and start earning early. Considering you are a person with a plan for growth, and a hardworking person, you will develop enough skills to get a 80k/year job right after you graduate. You will lose that 80k if you take a gap year now. On top of that it’s not certain that you will get into a better university next year. Again, for some people money is not big part of their equation, and they will be happy to take a bit of break in life and work on personal growth, and that’s great too. Just think about what kind of person are you, what do you want in life, and big part is what changes do you expect the next year.
Q10. Should I take second gap year?
- Read Question 9 again. Read it out loud this time. On top of that, you will be in the same batch as your “bhai/baini” from junior classes. For some people it’s a mental pressure. Whatever you decide, be happy and satisfied (and you will be if you give your best effort).
Q11. What are the chances for X major at Duke? How to improve my chances for Duke?
- I don’t know how to improve your chances for Duke. They haven’t told me why they took me or anyone else from Nepal. So, how would I know. Same for major X. You can easily change your major. Heck they don’t allow you to declare your major the first year at all. I don’t think they impact acceptance in anyway shape or form. Just be honest.
Q12. What do I fill out in X in common application / CSS / ISFAA?
- I don’t know. I filled those forms up few years ago. I am sorry I cannot remember now. Asking people in online forums might be a better option than asking me.
Q13. I have X SAT score right now. Should I apply to X college? I am expecting my SAT will improve on dec, is it good idea to apply now and update SAT score later?
- This is purely my opinion. If you love some school, apply even if you don’t meet their SATs, or other criteria. Worst you could get is a rejection(and, some time and energy, which won’t be totally waste anyway because you can use those essays in other applications), but who knows if you craft your application well enough they might be willing to bend their norms. Keep a simple philosophy, Apply as much as you can, try your best, but expect worst will happen and prepare for that. Q.14 How should I curate my colleges list? What safety colleges to consider?
Q15. I have no idea about how much EFC to present to qualify for the aid. It should not be too low, right? The COA for this uni is around X. The average need aid they provide is around X. I am thinking of EFC of around X. With this, is there a chance of getting in and getting aid?
- Just be honest, whatever you can afford. That’s just straight forward. Else, you will be stressing too much without much benefit. At least that’s my view, and what I did and recommend to do. Other people might differ.
Q16. I have good GPA, SAT is not super good, and I don’t think I have good ECs (compared to my friends). What should I do next?
- Focus on crafting your application best that you can. Give SAT again to improve if possible. Try to write a good story about who you are. If you feel this way, trust me you haven’t put much effort about yourself. And, I know it’s super hard to find anything to write about. But take a deep breath and think about the stories you share to other people. What do you value? Why did you think you didn’t succeed? How have you grown from struggles in life? Even I thought the same way, that I have nothing to show (except for IOAA), and my friends were so involved with so many projects, and had wide range of experiences than I did. I was extremely fixated on the fact that I was I want to pursue doctorate yet I didn’t had any research experience, meanwhile most of my friends had some written things to show off. It was only after months of contemplating I figured out to write that “I wanted to pursue research in high school, but I couldn’t find anyone to mentor me”. Well, I feel like that was a smart way to portray what I lacked.
Q. 17 If X college does not have any supplemental essays, should I write a why us essay in Additional Information section?
- [TODO]
Q. 18 What should i do now to improve my chances of receiving a full scholarship at high-ranking universities? -[TODO] Q. 19 Could you please share your essay / application ?
- No
Q. 20 How much expenses should I expect before getting acceptance ?
- It depends on how many SATs and visa interviews you give, if you need to go to Delhi for your visa interview (I had to). Be prepared for 75k Nrs. (This might not be a good guess though.) Q. 21 Did you do A-Levels or NEB? What difference does it make?
- [TODO] Q. 22 I am sure that I am taking a GAP year. Should I apply this year as well?
- Yeah. You will learn a lot about application process. If you are taking a gap year to apply next, yet not applying anywhere, you are just taking a dumb decision. Even if deadlines have passed for most colleges, apply to the ones that accept rolling admission. You can get waiver for your application fee. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain
Email me if there are any other questions that you feel like I might need to address at yb107@duke.edu, or just DM me in some place.